Tip #1 – How to Take Better Photos of your Kids

It’s a brand new year, and if you’re like me and many other parents out there, one of your resolutions might be to take better, more engaging photos of your own kids!

Maybe you have a new camera (or smartphone) and want to use it better. Maybe you think your snapshots don’t really show your child’s nature, or lack interest. With this year long series, I’ll be giving you some helpful tips and advice on how to really get those fun and compelling shots of your own children, in day to day life, that really capture the personality of your children! Learn to *shoot like a pro*, no matter what equipment or skill level you have!

We tend to shoot from a standing position. When photographing children, this means we end up with a lot of photos of the tops of their heads, and miss their beautiful eyes and expressions! Next time you see your child playing or sitting, get down on the floor. Sit or lay right down in front of them (or to the side or even around the corner, if you want to be stealthy), level your camera so it’s not pointing down at them, and shoot away!

This little guy from a family session was very active! So to really get a great shot of him (ie. not the back of his head as he was running away!) I had him sit down and sing some silly songs! Make sure your little one is facing a light source.  This sweet boy was put down in the shade facing the light, but you could also use a home window. I was laid right out on the pavement in front of him, on my side, with my camera angled directly at his face to make sure I caught the light in his eyes as he giggled.

Get low and capture that twinkle in their eyes! Stay tuned for more tips on how to photograph your own children!

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