Tip #2 – How to Take Better Photos of your Kids

With this year long series, I’ll be giving you some helpful tips and advice on how to really get those fun and compelling shots of your own children, in day to day life, that really capture the personality of your children! Learn to *shoot like a pro*, no matter what equipment or skill level you have! See TIP #1 HERE.

Often we find ourselves disappointed by our photos because of poor light. We think a beautiful sunny day is great for photos because the kids are happy and usually engaged in some activity we *want* to take photos of them doing! Playing in the park, walking in a flower field, planting a garden. Unfortunately, the sun is directly overhead, casting shadows, so your little one’s gorgeous eyes become “black holes”.  And that bright light shining on skin goes completely nuclear. We call this “blown out”, when the skin no longer has any detail or color, just shiny.

This little man was positioned against a treeline about 30 minutes before sunset, with the light leaking through the treeline creating a filtered light effect. This is what we call the “golden hour”, when the sun looks like it’s melting into a beautiful golden glow across the land. It’s the ideal time for portraits. If it’s not possible, or you’re a morning person, try the “blue hour” in the first hours of the morning! It’s also soft and pretty, and you might catch a pretty sunrise!

Stay tuned for more tips on how to photograph your own children!

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